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-LiDAR survey on 579.66 hectares in Tapajós, Belterra, Para, Brasil in 2008Santos, Maiza Nara dos; Keller, Michael; Batistella, Mateus
-Forest Inventory on 5 hectares in Saracá-Taquera, Oriximiná, Para, Brasil in 2013.Santos, Maiza Nara dos; Keller, Michael; Batistella, Mateus
-Forest Inventory on 3.4 hectares in Tapajós, Belterra, Para, Brasil in 2010.Santos, Maiza Nara dos; Keller, Michael; Batistella, Mateus
-LiDAR survey on 739 hectares in Feliz Natal IV, Mato Grosso, Brasil in 2017.Santos, Maiza Nara dos; Keller, Michael; Batistella, Mateus
-LiDAR survey on 500 hectares in Jamari II, Rondonia, Brasil in 2011.Santos, Maiza Nara dos; Keller, Michael; Batistella, Mateus
-LiDAR survey on 87 hectares in Tapajós, Belterra, Para, Brasil in 2018.Santos, Maiza Nara dos; Keller, Michael; Batistella, Mateus
-LiDAR survey on 995 hectares in Santarem II, Para, Brasil in 2018.Santos, Maiza Nara dos; Keller, Michael; Batistella, Mateus
-Oviposition behaviour of Anastrepha fraterculus and Ceratitis capitata in response to faeces extracts containing host marking pheromone.Blassioli-Moraes, Maria Carolina; Magalhães, Diego Martins
-Mapping agricultural intensification in the Brazilian Savanna: a machine learning approach and harmonized data from Landsat Sentinel-2.Parreiras, Taya Cristo; Bolfe, Édson Luis; Silva, Lucas Augusto Pereira da; Sano, Edson Eyji; Bettiol, Giovana Maranhão
-Forage mass production in integrated, extensive and intensive livestock systems in the central region of the State of São Paulo (Massa de forragem em sistemas pecuários integrados, extensivos e intensivos na região central do Estado de São Paulo)Nogueira, Sandra Furlan; Bayma-Silva, Gustavo; Grego, Célia Regina; Santos, Patrícia Menezes; Pezzopane, Jose Ricardo Macedo