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Title: Dataset associated with master research: systematic mapping of exploring and imagination issues on interactive installations
Subject: Computer and Information Science
Description: This dataset contains information extracted from the systematic mapping. This systematic Mapping aims to clarify how imagination has been explored in ubiquitous scenarios of interactive installations. This dataset is part of a master dissertation developed in the context of the Socioenactive Systems FAPESP Thematic Project #2015/16528-0. The Socioenactive Systems Project is approved by the Unicamp Ethical Committee under the number CAAE 72413817.3.0000.5404.
Authors: Queiroz, Maria Jêsca Nobre de
Duarte, Emanuel Felipe
Reis, Julio Cesar dos
Pimenta, Josiane Rosa de Oliveira Gaia
Other Identifiers:  
Sponsorship: Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
Sponsor ID: FAPESP: 2015/16528-0
CAPES: 001
Date: 30-Mar-2023
Available Data: 31-Mar-2023
Format: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
Publisher: Gaia Pimenta, Josiane Rosa de Oliveira
Language :  
Appears in Collections:Repositório de Dados de Pesquisa da UNICAMP

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