This repository contains the raw images that are presented in the manuscript " Uncoupling protein 2 and Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription are Human Papillomavirus targets and cervical cancer prognostic markers". The data contains images of: a) Immunofluorescence UCP2 and STAT1 in SiHa, HaCaT (transduced with pLXSN or E6/E7) in monolayers or organotypic cultures; b) immunohistochemistry of STAT1 organotypic cultures of HaCaT pLXSN and HaCaT E6/E7; c) immunhistochemistry of UCP2 and STAT1 in biopsies of cervical cancer precursor lesions and cervical cancer. Images are in the .tif format. Metadata a word file, within each type of experiment file.