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Growth expansion modeling: kinetic energy tool to measure efficacy, efficiency, economicity and effectiveness

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dc.contributor Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
dc.creator Garcia-Neto, Manoel
dc.date 2021-05-05T16:24:42Z
dc.date 2021-05-05T16:24:42Z
dc.date 2020-02-12
dc.date.accessioned 2024-09-24T16:48:25Z
dc.date.available 2024-09-24T16:48:25Z
dc.identifier http://hdl.handle.net/11449/204596
dc.identifier 7357560220449194
dc.identifier 0000-0002-5574-0183
dc.identifier.uri https://metabuscador.uspdigital.usp.br/xmlui/handle/doc/16395
dc.description This work, in partnership with Dr. Ermias Kebreab (University of Davis), was carried out with the objective of expanding (new models) and perfecting (new applications) the PPFM (Practical Program of Forces Modeling) by promoting the analysis of energy efficiency in growth curves, seeking: 1- Practicality - The PPFM for incorporating the solver supplement (Excel optimizer), will provide the attendance of the adjustments of different curves, in an accurate and free access; 2- Originality - The originality is that the PPFM program allows to evaluate growth (expansion), with multiple objectives, and can be applied in research, teaching (undergraduate and postgraduate) and extension in several areas; 3- Relevance - If we confirm our hypotheses, the modeling concept will be more appropriate when evaluating kinetic energy as a precision tool to measure efficacy, efficiency, economicity and effectiveness. Therefore, we believe that the project is rich in several merit criteria, for enabling a current and practical modeling concept (force modeling and kinetic evaluation) and that can now be applied with the use of the PPFM spreadsheet, which is open and accessible (use of Excel software from Microsoft) allow for adjustments, with accuracy and precision, in the mathematical models adopted as decision support.
dc.description FAPESP
dc.description 2018/19629-0
dc.format PDF
dc.format application/pdf
dc.language eng
dc.rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
dc.subject Mathematical Modeling
dc.subject Derivatives of position
dc.subject Derivatives of force
dc.subject Growth stages
dc.subject Kinematics and Kinetics
dc.subject Ontogenetic growth force curve
dc.subject Principle of action
dc.title Growth expansion modeling: kinetic energy tool to measure efficacy, efficiency, economicity and effectiveness
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/dataset

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