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LiDAR survey on 1000 hectares in Paragominas, Para, Brasil in 2013 - optional data set.

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dc.contributor.author Santos, Maiza Nara dos
dc.contributor.author Keller, Michael
dc.contributor.author Batistella, Mateus
dc.coverage.spatial Paragominas, Pará, Brazil; -47.55809, -47.51144, -3.30615, -3.3289
dc.date 2023-03-21
dc.date.accessioned 2023-03-08
dc.date.accessioned 2023-08-23T14:24:54Z
dc.date.available 2023-08-23T14:24:54Z
dc.identifier.uri https://doi.org/10.48432/VZIDFY
dc.identifier.uri https://www.redape.dados.embrapa.br/dataset.xhtml?amp;persistentId=doi:10.48432/VZIDFY
dc.description The LiDAR data Paragominas – Fazenda Nova Neonita (PAR_A01_2013_LiDAR_optional_data_set) refers to the survey carried out in Paragominas municipality, Pará state, Brazil. The data were collected under the project Sustainable Landscapes, a project supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and US Department of State. The United States Forest Service working in collaboration with the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa) have made possible the provision of high accuracy LiDAR data aiming at developing new methods and generating knowledge in the field. This dataset contains: a. Classified LAS formatted point cloud data – compressed LAS files: LAZ format (vendor delivered); b. Digital Terrain Model (vendor delivered); c. Map of LiDAR coverage area and block boundaries; “Data were acquired by the Sustainable Landscapes Brazil project supported by the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa), the US Forest Service, USAID and the US Department of State."
dc.description The LiDAR data Paragominas – Fazenda Nova Neonita (PAR_A01_2013_LiDAR_optional_data_set) refers to the survey carried out in Paragominas municipality, Pará state, Brazil. The data were collected under the Sustainable Landscapes project, a project supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and US Department of State. The United States Forest Service working in collaboration with the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa) have made possible the provision of high accuracy LiDAR data aiming at developing new methods and generating knowledge in the field. This dataset contains: The. Classified LAS formatted point cloud data – compressed LAS files: LAZ format (vendor delivered); B. Digital Terrain Model (vendor delivered); w. Map of LiDAR coverage area and block boundaries; “Data were acquired by the Sustainable Landscapes Brazil project supported by the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa), the US Forest Service, USAID and the US Department of State."
dc.description.sponsorship US Department of State
dc.format application/x-director
dc.format application/zipped-shapefile
dc.format application/x-tar
dc.language English
dc.publisher Bolfe, Victória
dc.subject Agricultural Sciences
dc.subject Earth and Environmental Sciences
dc.title LiDAR survey on 1000 hectares in Paragominas, Para, Brasil in 2013 - optional data set.
dc.type LiDAR data
dc.type Dados geoespaciais
dc.coverage.spatial.Lat -47.55809
dc.coverage.spatial.Lat -47.51144
dc.coverage.spatial.Long -3.30615
dc.coverage.spatial.Long -3.32897
dc.description.sponsorshipId USAID

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