1. What's MTIL?
MTIL - Mini Tomato Image Library is a dataset with images of Mila c.v, taken in a greenhouse in Agricultural Engineering School at University of Campinas, Brazil.
2. What's it's purpose?
It was create to be used in deep learning segmentation tasks.
3. Where's this images came from?
The images was taken in a greenhouse located at 22°49'07.1"S 47°03'40.8"W at 635 meters from the sea level, between 07/september and 29/october of 2019.
4. How this images was taken?
The images was taken by digital cameras mounted in tripods inside greenhouse, about 70 cm from the tomato clusters. The camera is a generic 5 MP full HD OV5647 sensor, connected to a raspberry pi zero wifi.
5. How the figures are organized?
Inside project there are two main directories:
clipped: Contains 385 images clipped to 1200x1200 pixels, trying to center the foreground cluster. Each image here has a correspondent mask in mask.
mask: Contains 385 binary[ representations of images in clipped. Here the class "tomato" is represented as white and "non-tomato" as black.
6. How these figures are named:
Figures was named as c_YYYY-MM-DD_hh_mm_bb.jpg
Where c is the color of flash used. may be w for white, r for red, g for green or b for blue; YYYY-MM-DD is respectively the year, month and day when the picture was taken; hh:mm or hh_mm similarly, is the hour and minutes when picture was taken, in 24h format; bb is the bunch identification.
Besides it was built for binary, image itself has three channels.
The image editor was not perfect to make the labelled images, near silhouette border are some values slightly above 255.