Much of the knowledge on cell biology, survival and molting rates in the insect vectors of Chagas disease, Triatoma infestans (Klug) and Panstrongylus megistus (Burmeister), raised in the late 20th century has been obtained from specimens fed blood intake from non-anaesthetized chickens. Avian blood intake for these insects in research facilities has been a recommendation to avoid Trypanosoma cruzi infection. Currently, the protocols for these insects’ rearing in research facilities demand that the chicken – source of blood intake – be anaesthetized by an accredited veterinary and that the welfare of the birds be monitored before, during and after the blood intake the insects receive. These protocols are conducted to ensure that the birds do not suffer from unwarranted pain or distress. Data on survival and molting incidence are presented for specimens of T. infestans and P. megistus fed on blood from chickens anaesthetized with ketamine/xylazine consistent with the recommendation by ethical committees on animal experimentation. These data constitute an important basis for comparisons with data provided by insects that ingested blood from non-anaesthetized sources or from animals anaesthetized with drugs other than ketamine/xylazine, preceding various experimental conditions. The specimens used originated from populations of insects collected since 1980, in the north of the state of Minas Gerais (Brazil) (Vale do Jequitinhonha) (between latitudes16 °S and 18 °S and longitudes 41 °W and 43 °W (T. infestans) and in the east region of the state of São Paulo (Brazil) (between latitudes 21 °31’S and 21 °58’S and close to the longitude 46 °40’W (P. megistus). Inbreeding has been avoided by periodically collecting and introducing new specimens to the previously established colonies. The animal care and ethical procedures to rear these insects are registered at the National Council of Animal Experimentation Control (COBEA) from the Brazilian Ministry of Science, Technology and innovation under accreditation protocol no. 01200.003280/2014-28. The SUCEN Scientific and Ethics Committee approved this study (Protocol no. 64,405/2015).