This file gives access to experimental data for orifice plate flow with two phases flow simultaneously, gas, or vapor, and liquid. This document is for students, researches and faculty members with interest in gas-liquid flows.
The document provides in tabular format with: mass quality, two-phase multiplier, area contraction ratio and ratio of densities of gas to liquid.
The survey there are databases were collected from 1964 until 2019, a span of 55 years. The authors provide two databases, and the remaining are 30 databases were publishing from other authors. The decade of 60 until 80 most of the developments were publish in form of reports and subsequent published in scientific journals.
Out of two databases send us by private email the remaining 28 databases was recovery using digitizing from the published figures on journals. The databases are available in x any y figures since 1960 up to nowadays. The data in tabular format was not found in any journal.
This collect is an incentive to further advances on two-phase phenomena related to area contraction ratio in pipes.