The search for alternative materials of low specific mass, which has a reduction in the transfer of heat propagation, associated to the ease of handling and application in concretes, represents a great challenge in the formulation and knowledge of the performance of the lightweight concretes. Lightweight concrete has little diffused technology and appears in the current scenario as an innovative and alternative material to conventional concrete. In view of the above, this work proposed the study of lightweight concrete with two different materials: expanded clay and expanded polystyrene - EPS. The use of expanded polystyrene has a great influence in the construction market because it is a lightweight, sustainable, recyclable material and a great thermal and acoustic insulation. Therefore, it was used expanded polystyrene, in combination with expanded clay as aggregates for the formulation of a lightweight concrete that presents compressive strength to be considered structural (above 20 MPa) and with a high sound insulation index, and can be widely used in sealing systems, such as vertical plates, due to the low density, reducing the load on the structures, good sound insulation, easy handling and transport