This is a Neo4j ".dump" file of a graph database containing for the entire Brazilian hidrography network. The graph is structured as a property graph, with 620,280 vertices and 620,279 edges corresponding to the Brazilian catchment network. This graph was created from the official Brazilian Ottocoded Hidrography network, published by the Brazilian National Water Agency (ANA, Agência Nacional das Águas), version 2015, in the scale 1:250.000. Vertices correspond to drainage points, and edges represent water stretches between these points. Drainage points represent diverse geographic entities, such as a watercourse start/end point or a stream mouth point.
The original ANA network is stored in a relational database, catalogued at the ANA portal under metadata file . The original metadata standards follow Brazil’s INDE standards for georeferenced data, and the standards version is from 2013 (whereas the original data to create the graph is from 2014).
This graph was created by the graph file author (Daltio) by transforming the ANA relational data into a Neo4j database, version 3.5.12. The transformation process (relational-to-property graph) and the description of the contents of nodes and vertices are available at Daltio’s thesis at .( Views over Graph Databases: A Multifocus Approach for Heterogeneous Data)
This dump file can be imported into a Neo4j database system using its “load” command.