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Título: Systematic review of literature about ubiquitous and pervasives environments in hospital
Assunto: Computer and Information Science
Descrição: These data are part of the Socioenactive Systems FAPESP Thematic Project #2015/16528-0. The Socioenactive Systems Project is approved by the Unicamp Ethical Committee under the number CAAE 72413817.3.0000.5404. This dataset contains: <br><br> <strong>Dados Brutos:</strong> set of files (.bib and .csv) that contain the metadata of each paper the search string returned in each of the scientific bases considered in the SLR.<br><br> <strong>Dados tratados para triagem: </strong>raw data (file 1) treated and organized so that the triage steps could be made.<br><br> <strong>Triagem 1: </strong>list of papers analyzed considering all inclusion and exclusion criteria. There are 3 worksheets: i) list of Papers; ii) analysis of each paper; iii) result of Papers selected for triage 2.<br><br> <strong>Triagem 2:</strong> list of papers analyzed considering some specific inclusion and exclusion criteria. There are 3 worksheets: i) list of Papers; ii) analysis of each paper; iii) final selection of papers for final mapping.<br><br> <strong>Formulários Google Forms - RSL Mapping Artigos Selecionados:</strong> form used to map the Papers selected to answer the research questions raised in the SLR.<br><br> <strong>Dados (tratados) - RSL Mapping Artigos Selecionados:</strong> result of the mapping of each of the Papers analyzed.<br><br> <strong>Dados Análise Qualidade: </strong>data related and considered to the quality analysis of the set of Papers selected.<br><br> <strong>Descritores para Mapeamento Final dos Papers Selecionados.pdf:</strong> this file describes the RSL main objetive, the research string, the inclusion and exclusion criteria, and the tags to analyse the papers.<br><br> <strong>tagCloud - Triagem 1 – Títulos:</strong> tag cloud based on the papers’ title selected after the first triage (file 3)<br><br> <strong>tagCloud - Triagem 2 – Títulos: </strong>tag cloud based on the papers’ title selected after the second triage (file 4)
Autor(es): Muriana, Luã Marcelo
Gonçalves, Diego Addan
Santos, Andressa Cristina dos
Baranauskas, Maria Cecília Calani
Silva, José Valderlei da
Lima, Tânia Cristina
Outros identificadores:  
Fomento: Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo
Número do Projeto: FAPESP: 2015/16528-0
Termo de uso:  
Data: 27-Nov-2023
Data de Disponibilização: 29-Nov-2023
Formato: application/x-compressed
Editora / Evento / Instituição: Muriana, Luã Marcelo
Idioma :  
Aparece nas coleções:Repositório de Dados de Pesquisa da UNICAMP

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