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Título: Coronarchive database
Assunto: Arts and Humanities;Social Sciences
Descrição: The Coronarchive project includes a collaborative database held at the Center of Digital Humanities IFCH-Unicamp which monitors digital archives regarding the COVID-19 pandemic in Latin America. The database has been built collaboratively since 2020, and contains information about memory initiatives, crowdsourcing ventures, social media collections, oral history projects, and scholarship research, among other archives that have been collecting and preserving evidence about life under COVID-19 in Latin America. The Coronarchive provides an analytical taxonomy that increases the usability of the database by researchers and piques the interest of lay citizens. Theoretically, what justifies such a venture is the social need to understand both the transnationality of the pandemic and the agents involved in its archiving. The Coronarchive develops archivistic perspectives in accordance with the historical conditions of its time by incorporating digital technologies and transcending national borders. Consequently, the project advances over relatively unknown territory by monitoring projects that represent innovative and unmapped agents, methods, and resources within the digital age. In addition, the scope of the Coronarchive provides representativeness for Latin America, one of the regions in which the impacts of the Novel Coronavirus have been more intense, not only for the disease but for its political and economic unfolding.
Autor(es): Marino, Ian Kisil
Montezino, Amanda Amarante
Concentino, Leonardo Lehmann
Nicodemo, Thiago Lima
Outros identificadores:  
Fomento: No Agency
Número do Projeto: No Agency
Termo de uso:  
Data: 30-Mar-2023
Data de Disponibilização: 31-Mar-2023
Formato: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
Editora / Evento / Instituição: Marino, Ian Kisil
Idioma :  
Aparece nas coleções:Repositório de Dados de Pesquisa da UNICAMP

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