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Título: Dataset associated with UbiAccess - equitable access evaluation instrument for ubiquitous environments
Assunto: Computer and Information Science
Descrição: UbiAccess is an equitable access evaluation instrument for ubiquitous environments. It is based on WC3-WCAG 2.1 and the Universal Design Principles. UbiAccess consists on 37 recommendations for verifying access distributed in five areas (Environment, Information, Personal, Multimedia Resources, and Security & Privacy ).This instrument if a result of a master research project within the Socioenactive Systems FAPESP Thematic Project #2015/16528-0. The Socioenactive Systems Project is approved by the Unicamp Ethical Committee under the number CAAE 72413817.3.0000.5404. This dataset contains all the data generated within the development of UbiAccess: the instrument, analysis of the guidelines, evaluation of the instrument.
Autor(es): Pimenta, Josiane Rosa de Oliveira Gaia
Duarte, Emanuel Felipe
Baranauskas, Maria Cecilia Calani
Medeiros, Claudia Maria Bauzer
Outros identificadores:  
Fomento: Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo
Número do Projeto: FAPESP: 2015/16528-0
Termo de uso:  
Data: 14-Mar-2023
Data de Disponibilização: 15-Mar-2023
Formato: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
Editora / Evento / Instituição: Gaia Pimenta, Josiane Rosa de Oliveira
Idioma :  
Aparece nas coleções:Repositório de Dados de Pesquisa da UNICAMP

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